Obtaining Support and Custody Changes in Oregon
While it is essential to have skilled representation in your divorce, no one can anticipate the many changes that may take place in the years that follow. When you or your ex-spouse experiences a significant change in circumstances, you may need an equally skilled attorney to help you get a post- divorce modification of specific orders in your decree.
Proven, Results-Driven Representation
Our attorneys are deeply familiar with Oregon domestic relations law and Oregon courts. We encourage you to contact us for informed counsel and action on your need for a:
Reduction in child support you pay due to a job loss or other setback that has substantially reduced your income
Upward modification of child support if you have learned your ex-spouse has received a significant promotion or made a lucrative job change
Post-divorce modification of child custody or parenting time, often due to a major change in children’s needs or evidence of domestic abuse or neglect
Court order allowing or preventing parent-child relocation beyond a 60-mile radius of the custodial parent’s current home
Modifications of spousal support/alimony, most often due to a severe financial setback for the payor
Our attorneys remain a go-to resource for men and women we have helped through divorce. We always welcome new clients with any need for post-divorce modifications. We have extensive knowledge of how bankruptcy law and Oregon family law intersect. This knowledge enables us to provide dependable counsel for anyone considering bankruptcy or wondering how child support and other obligations will be affected.
Responsive, Proactive Lawyers When You Need Fast Action
Post-divorce modifications are commonly granted, but they are not retroactive. This makes prompt legal action extremely important. For example, if you must miss child support or spousal support payments due to a job loss or disabling illness.