Filing For Emergency Custody

Filing For Emergency Custody

To file for emergency custody in Oregon, you can file an Ex Parte Motion for Order of Immediate Danger & Temporary Custody and Parenting Time. You can find the form at However, hiring an attorney can make this process less complicated and an attorney can help you navigate the courts, as well as taking future concerns into consideration.


You must be present in court

You must present an affidavit that the child is in immediate danger

You must have made a good faith effort to contact the other parent

Your evidence must be clear and convincing

When hiring an Attorney

Follow the legal procedures to establish emergency custody

Present a motion to the court

Ensure that your documentation and supporting evidence meet the required standards of proof

Negotiate or fight for what is fair and appropriate in child custody

When emergency custody may be granted 

If a parent has a substance abuse or alcohol problem

If a parent is physically or sexually abusive

If a parent has a mental or emotional breakdown

If a parent is in the military

If a parent is ill

If you need help filing for emergency custody or have questions about your case, contact Oliveros Law Group today. Our experienced family law attorneys are here to guide you through the legal process and fight for the best outcome for you and your child.


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